My Amy: The Life We Shared by Tyler James Review

My Amy: The Life We Shared By Tyler James

My Amy: The Life We Shared by Tyler James
© Jordan Taylor

Written with searing honesty and published for the tenth anniversary of Amy Winehouse’s death, My Amy: The Life We Shared is an evocative portrait of unbreakable lifelong friendship – and a devastating study into fame, addiction, and self-sabotage.

Only one person knows what really happened to Amy, other than Amy herself. He is Tyler James, Amy’s best friend from the age of thirteen. They met at stage school as two insecure outsiders, formed an instant connection, and lived together from their late teenage years right up until the day she died, aged just twenty-seven.

Tyler was there by her side through it all. From their carefree early years touring together to the creation of the multiple Grammy-winning Back To Black, which she wrote on their kitchen floor. From her volatile marriage to Blake Fielder-Civil through her escalating addictions, self-harm and eating disorders as the toxic nature of fame warped Amy’s reality. For the last three years of her life, Tyler was with her every day when she’d beaten drugs and was close to beating alcoholism too. He also knew better than anyone the real Amy Winehouse who the tabloid-reading public rarely saw – the hilarious, uncompromising force-of-nature busy taking care of everyone else.

We all think we know what happened to Amy Winehouse, but we don’t. This definitive insider’s story tells us all, finally, the truth.

You can buy My Amy: the Life We Shared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can also read my other reviews on Amy Winehouse books, including Loving Amy and Amy, My Daughter.

My Review on My Amy: The Life We Shared

First, chapter one is quite compelling. You already know what will happen, yet you can’t put it down. Maybe because it’s from a different perspective, your mind is digging for something new that others haven’t already said. Then it hits you with an intense ending. Again, you already know the conclusion if you’re familiar with Amy’s story. Yet, you still have to see how the closest person to her reacted. Not her mother, father, or brother. It was her best friend, Tyler James.

The rest of the book is carried on, similar to the other Amy Winehouse books written by the ones she knows. Starting from the day they met, while going into a bit of history about himself, all the way to her tragic death. Through it, Tyler exposes her weakest moments and what she really thought about fame. Her constant battle against drugs and alcohol is naturally a large section of the book. Still, he also shows her vulnerability to the influences around her.

Tyler James was her best friend, and friends can be biased. However, this book is different. He honestly accounts for how frustrating she could sometimes be, stubborn and weak. He also highlights that addiction is not easy for anyone, no matter how famous you become. Certain aspects of her life that her parents couldn’t clear up are explained, such as her relationship with men, how fame destroyed the Amy he knew and loved and depression. Plus, some humorous incidents that leave some puzzled ’til this day.

The only downfall about the book is if you’re anything like me in chapter 2, you’ll ask yourself, is this one of those books where we’ll learn about Amy or him? If you keep reading and being patient, you’ll discover that the beginning is reasonably necessary to understand Amy’s mind. Maybe that’s why they are- and I quote- “soulmates.”

Other Reviews on My Amy: The Life We Shared

My review is not the only one that counts, though. Here are some of the top positive and critical reviews from other websites.


Top positive review

5.0 out of 5 starsFOR REALS

I knew this would be an honest account of a friendship, but the details got me emotional. A Great read!!!

Top critical review

3.0 out of 5 starsNot biographical.

My interest in purchasing this book was to learn more about the life of Amy Winehouse. I did but had to put up with author, Tyler James “memoir.” His angst got old.

There are quite a few from good reads, so I only picked a couple.



This was not a nice book to read and not a nice story to tell, but Tyler James told it with a rare kind of dignity and grace. His raw honesty was apparent from the very first page and the tragedy that was his life with this superstar called Amy Winehouse was compelling as well as very very horrific. Pain was speckled with a fragile humour and sadness and a truth that cannot be denied. Addiction is scary, addiction is coming for you, ready at any moment to take you somewhere outside of your past personality to somewhere unfathomable and unknowable to all but those who have lived this life. I felt I learned more about human nature in this exposure of a lifestyle than I was previously aware of before. Something deeper and more painful than most people would even care to share, never mind with the world. A sad and yet illuminating journey of two trapped souls within and beyond the dark and bleak shadows of chemical addiction. Highly recommended.

July 30, 2021

This book was deeply moving. A bare all account of addiction first hand that was both difficult to listen to yet hard to stop.

Although this is focussed around the life of Amy told by someone in her inner sanctum, it was just as much about Tyler’s fight through addiction as it was Amy’s.


March 15, 2022

I just felt like this story was never meant to be told. If someone hasn’t coped well with fame and wanted their lives to be private, why spill it all after they die?

September 19, 2021

Can’t help but feel Tyler has exploited Amy’s memory and painted himself as a single handed hero who was the only person who kept her alive. For me he’s only written this for money, not in memory of Amy. Sharing far too much of what isn’t his to share. Written in poor taste.

Is it Worth it?

Absolutely! I’m not saying that to say it, either. While her parents have books about her covering everything they know, Tyler has everything he knows. Naturally, if you’re looking pre-Sylvia Young, I recommend Amy, My Daughter, or Loving Amy.

I personally tore through the book in less than a week. It’s personal; if you’re looking for that, this book is for you. I wouldn’t put a dime down if you’re looking for something that focuses on her music and career. Although, there are still goodies if you’re interested. 

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